Types of Investments,
Wrappers and Platforms

Types of Investments, Wrappers and Platforms

We are proud to offer comprehensive independent financial advice tailored to each individual’s needs, using effective portfolio management and tax strategies to meet the needs identified.


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When constructing our portfolios, we use a range of open-ended and closed-ended collective investment schemes such as Unit Trusts and OEIC’s (Open Ended Investment Companies), Investment Trusts, and ETF’s (Exchange Traded Funds).

The ultimate objective is to achieve an efficient mix in terms of performance, diversification, and cost-efficiency of the ongoing charges by blending passively and actively managed investment vehicles.


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Selecting an appropriate wrapper is an essential part of a tax-efficient portfolio management strategy.

Investment ISA’s (Individual Savings Accounts), LISA’s (Lifetime ISA’s), JISA’s (Junior ISA’s), GIA’s (General Investment Accounts), Personal Pensions, Income Drawdown Plans, Onshore and Offshore Bonds and Trusts are all significant building blocks in our continuous efforts to optimize the tax efficiency of our clients’ assets. Throughout this process, we are considering Income Tax, Capital Gains Tax, and Inheritance Tax as well as Succession Planning perspectives.


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Providing the interface where our investments are held and traded is the role that investment platforms fulfill.

The choice of the platform is determined by the interaction between the charging structure and the size of a client’s portfolio (some platforms are more cost-efficient for smaller and others for larger portfolios), type of the product/wrapper supported (Pension/Isa/Bond/Trust), the breadth of fund choice and, crucially, the efficiency and support provided.

The main platforms that Accudo Investments utilize are Transact, Aegon Cofunds, AJ Bell, Royal London, and Scottish Widows.